Twelve Attributes That Seed and Lead You To Grow

Posted on December 8th, 2020

Success is defined differently by different people. Some say it is what one has achieved and how far has one reached in their endeavors. Others define the achievement of what was in mind at the start. Still, others say it is not how far you reached but where you started from. There may well be some other definitions of success. But all definitions have one common component. It is called Growth! How well one Grows in their personal and professional life, contributes significantly to their success!

“I learned to always take on things, I had never done before. Growth and comfort do not co-exist.”  Ginny Rometty, Executive Chairman – IBM Corporation

Most people start thinking of what they want to be at an early age, like in high school. Many others begin planning for their future while in college. Former US president William Jefferson Clinton had envisioned of becoming a US president at the age of 17 when he met with then President John F. Kennedy as part of the top high school students’ group, at a White House event. Some others start great new businesses while still in college – such as Debbi Fields of Mrs. Fields Cookies and Michael Dell of Dell Computers and so many others. But for the most of us it is a thoughtful, planned, disciplined and tenacious process to achieve successes as we Grow and reach our dreams, defined on our own terms. It is never too late to begin Growing or Grow even higher in your professional or personal life, if you have the vision, the passion, creative energy, and dedication for it!


“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” Oprah Winfrey – Famous Author and Television personality


There are Twelve attributes that Seed and Lead your Growth process and contribute significantly to a successful journey of your personal and professional life! These attributes are distinctly divided into three areas and listed below: Personal Traits; Professional Knowledge and Real-Life Leadership Skills. I suggest that beginning with January 2021 focus on, one attribute each month. Learn, practice, and Grow through-out the upcoming year! 


Personal Traits

  1. Personal Vision – The first step to achieving success and lifetime of personal satisfaction is knowing what your natural talents and personality traits are. Career choices based on what you enjoy doing the most are very likely to bring you inner joy and pinnacle of success. It will also cultivate a passionate desire to continuously Grow!
  2. Personal Dedication – Once you know what you want to become or achieve, it is crucial to make a personal commitment to prepare and plan for what is needed to reach your goals and dreams. The higher the goals the more the dedication is required. Personal sacrifices made during the Growth phase generally have enormous rewards.

“What you do has far greater impact than what you say.” Stephen Covey, Author and Educator.

  1. High degree of Emotional Intelligence – Through this journey of Growth everyone faces unplanned challenges, physical fatigue and at times emotional weakness. Your patience, your hopes and dreams and your passion will keep you emotionally calm and propel you moving forward.


Professional Knowledge

  1. Technical Knowledge – Whatever your dreams or goals, it will very likely require a technical education whether a diploma, a four-year college degree or a post graduate education. Although many well-known and highly successful people had not even attended a college or finished college education. John D. Rockefeller, one of the wealthiest Americans of all time and founder of the Standard Oil Company and Dave Thomas, founder of the Wendy’s Hamburgers were not even high school graduates. Bill Gates, founder of the Microsoft Corporation did not even finish college.
    But for a vast majority of us the road to success and Growth and personal and professional life achievements is receiving the best possible education. The more you dedicate to receiving great education, the higher the likelihood of achieving superior grades and other academic recognition.

  3. Developed Knowledge – Once your formal education is complete and you begin a career, you will then need to learn and develop more practical and useable knowledge. This is even more significant for those who may not have reached their potential during college in receiving higher grades! You will need to take every opportunity to attend professional, career related seminars and subject matter conferences. You will also need to participate in special projects and new and innovative initiatives. To further develop your knowledge, you should also seek to learn other skills that will expand your expertise and help you further, Grow!

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Steve Jobs, Co-founder, and former CEO of Apple Inc.

Real-Life Leadership Skills

  1. Interactive Skills – Interactive skills have two components. Listening and Responding. People around you want you to listen more and talk less. You should listen with empathy and seek to understand first before being understood. When responding, do so with due respect, clarity, and a sincere desire to create a win-win situation. On-going improvements in your Interactive skills makes other people more comfortable in relating to you. It earns you more new and valuable professional contacts
  2. People Skills – People skills, simply put are how you relate to other people. If there is any place for pro-activity this is it. When meeting new people, show respect, shake hand firmly, make eye contact with polite smile and learn their names. Dealing with people with integrity, humility, respect, and honor is just a start. Aiding others in areas of your strengths helps build positive business relationships. Be pro-active to go an extra step for others.
  3. Problem Solving Skills – Problem solving skills have two components. Critical thinking and Being flexible. Critical thinking skill prompts you to clearly understand the scope of the problem or an issue and identifying the causes. Being flexible empowers you to find rational and practical solutions. It may also tempt you to seek help when appropriate to resolve any problem that you may be experiencing for the first time
  4. Practicing Teamwork Skills – Teamwork is when a group of people or components work together in harmony to achieve a pre-planned objective or a pre-designed outcome. Having a clear understanding of the team’s objectives, pre-defined goals and knowing everyone’s role including yours is very important. It provides you the opportunity to collaborate with others. You can exhibit your strengths while simultaneously learning from others. It is so valuable when you acknowledge other team members’ strengths and compliment them with sincerity and respect

“Of all the things I have done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal.”  Walt Disney, founder of Disney Company

  1. Writing Skills – Writing skill is far more important than commonly understood. In today’s business world we write emails, hand notes and other communication vehicles e.g., marketing materials, business letters. A simple educational course on this skill is essential. Appropriately written emails notes etc. make a positive impact on the reader. On the other hand, poorly written emails can cause hidden misunderstandings. People often retain what they understood and choose not to clarify. There are also small books available to further improve your communication skills. I recommend the one I read, ‘Effective Communication Skills’ by Marsha Ludden
  2. Showing Gratitude Skills –Showing gratitude is more than just a skill! It tells the world who you are as a person and what your life values are. When you offer your sincere thanks and appreciation to others in both professional or personal life, it shows your humility and exhibits your spirit of honoring others. Recognizing other people’s strengths and acknowledging their accomplishments is not just a skill but a virtue. Putting someone ahead of you in any line, may make their day! Showing of gratitude towards others may well inspire them to do the same for others!


To achieve a successful journey in life and reach your goals you must have a personal vision and a well-thought-out plan. You must also be prepared to commit to facing any challenges that may arise. This personal and envisioned journey of successful life also requires a mindset that you must continuously Grow! By following all the steps noted above you will not only Grow, fulfill your dreams, and achieve your goals but also enjoy a successful life journey. You may also become an inspiration to many others around you, which will Seed and Lead them to Grow and succeed as well!


“Champions keep playing until they get it right.”  Billie Jean King – Female Tennis Legend


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Khalid Shiekh
Consultant – Healthcare Support Services
Ruck Shockey Associates
December 7, 2020